Our History
International United Educationists Fraternity (IUEF) is an Organization promoted
by a registered Trust, Margdarshak Education Research and Training (MERIT)
Trust based at Kolkata. It’s a unique platform for school leaders, Principals, VicePrincipals,
Head Masters, Head Mistresses and Teachers all over the world.We also
help teachers to find suitable place where they can showcase their mettle and
prove themselves as an asset for the institution.
Believing together we can learn and grow more we also have our sister
concerns– IUEF CBSE Principals, to be in connection with CBSE guidelines and
circulars that are circulated time to time and to educate and help our students
systematically as per CBSE norms. To be more precise, these groups are under
guidance and supervision of a team of highly experienced Principals from and
across the school boards,MHRD and School Education Department, Directors and
Chairman of a good number of schools.