About IUEF

International United Educationists Fraternity (IUEF) is an Organization promoted by a registered Trust, Margdarshak Education and Research Institute Trust ( MERIT ) based at Kolkata. It is a unique platform for school leaders, Principals, Vice- Principals, Head Masters, Head Mistresses and Teachers all over the world. We also help teachers to find suitable place where they can showcase their mettle and prove themselves as an asset for the institution.

Our Distinguished Member

Dr. Jayant Chowdhuri


Dr. Sujit Kumar Jana


Mr. Daljeet Singh Rana

National Secretary (IUEF)

Smt. Manoshi RoyChowdhury



We solely believe in brushing up our knowledge to be an emphatic educator and serve a better youth to our Nation.


IUEF aims for the betterment of school system that can render able youth to oursociety and nation at large.


  1. To establish, start, acquire, collaborate, aid, run, manage and maintain schools, academic institutions, laboratory, library for:
    (a) and Orientation
    (b) Trainingand Instruction,
    (c) Research and Development and such others as may be necessary to achieve the objects ofthe Society.
  2. To acquire, construct, improve, develop, maintain and alter land, building,structures and other facilities necessary or convenient for the purpose of the society.
  3. To help, support and promote early and childhood literacy development programme.
  4. To educate the people for adopting the good norms of a good citizen and to work for spreading the ideas of nationality among the youths.
  5. To promote and encourage people for the advancement of science literacy, culture and value based education.
  6. To nourish, develop, integrate, enhance, promote and protect intellectual property.
  7. To assist the poor students irrespective of creed, class, community and social groups for the prosecution and advancement of studiesand research.
  8. To develop human resources through training, coaching, mentoring, succession planning and ascent management.
  9. To setup, run, tieup and collaborate with foreign research Institutions,Universities and laboratories and other international organisation in fields relevant to the objectives of the society.
  10. To conduct and promote orientation, training and professional development programme to enhance knowledge and employability skills.
  11. To arrange and organise different national and international lectures, discussions, debates, workshop, seminars, guided tours for the exchange and dissemination of ideas and knowledge.
  12. To promote higher education globally and produce employable workforce for the advancement of the society.
  13. To cultivate, disseminate, and promote entrepreneurial spirit amongunemployed youths.
  14. To impart and facilitate job oriented vocational training, IT Education, coaching classes, field training to the educated youths to help to secure employment in organised as well as unorganised sectors.
  15. To institute and award fellowships, scholarships, stipends, prizes and medals in accordance with the Byelaws/guidelines as shall be laid downby the society.
  16. To publish Journals, Magazines, Books, periodicals, Weekly reports.
  17. To conduct survey, studies on multidisciplinary subjects.
  18. To empower street and working children by providing food, shelter and alternative education support.
  19. To acquire by gift, Purchase, hire, take on lease, exchange orotherwisehowsoever acquire a property movable or immovable whichmay be necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Society.
  20. To promote farmers club for adoption of scientific package of practice on value added crops.
  21. To assist sick, helpless aged and needy persons.
  22. To cultivate, demonstrate, and promote the traditional and modern art, music, dance and culture.
  23. To promote sports, yoga, meditation for the development of the sound physical and mental health.
  24. To promote, undertake, collaborate and combine various socioeconomic development activities in rural and urban areas.
  25. To assist and support people subjected to distress due to natural and manmade disasters.
  26. To extend consultancies and services related to formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects related to rural andurban development in the field of education.
  27. To collect donation, subscription for the promotion of societies objectives.
  28. To construct, maintain, develop or alter any buildings, houses, structures, premises and other works necessary or convenient for the purpose of the society.
  29. To engage and assist any other philanthropic activities that may be considered appropriate by the governing body of the society.
  30. To borrow money from any Bank, Financial Institutions which may be necessary for the furtherance of the society.
  31. To do all such acts deeds matters and things as may be deemed incidental or conductive to the attainment of the foregoing objects.
  32. To establish affiliation with recognized universities and institutions of higher learning for promotion of quality education and research.
  33. To receive grants, donations, and contribution in cash or any other forms from Government of India, State Government, Charitable institutions, Trust, individuals, and industry within the country.

Our History

International United Educationists Fraternity (IUEF) is an Organization promoted by a registered Trust, Margdarshak Education Research and Training (MERIT) Trust based at Kolkata. It’s a unique platform for school leaders, Principals, VicePrincipals, Head Masters, Head Mistresses and Teachers all over the world.We also help teachers to find suitable place where they can showcase their mettle and prove themselves as an asset for the institution. Believing together we can learn and grow more we also have our sister concerns– IUEF CBSE Principals, to be in connection with CBSE guidelines and circulars that are circulated time to time and to educate and help our students systematically as per CBSE norms. To be more precise, these groups are under guidance and supervision of a team of highly experienced Principals from and across the school boards,MHRD and School Education Department, Directors and Chairman of a good number of schools.

We intend to be a good helping hand to all teaching fraternity to be at best as far as their performance as an educator is concerned.
Not only this IUEF is dedicated to serve all professionals in schools sector related to school operation and legal support and compliances to schools across the country.
We solely believe in brushing up our knowledge to be an emphatic educator and serve a better youth to our nation. IUEF also conducts wide range of training programs for School principals, teachers and other working professionals related to school domain, academics, Infrastructure, Human Resource and Financial Resource,in order to make the school meets its vision.
IUEF is running under the able guidance of Dr. Jayant Chowdhuri and his efficient team experienced Principals.
IUEF aims for the betterment of school system that can render able youth to our society and nation at large. In the longer run IUEF looks forward for a collaborative approach with Government agencies for the betterment of school sector in order to impart quality education through basic resource mobilization across the country.